A cute Chinese dog on Solana, bringing charm and loyalty to the blockchain community!
Embark on a journey with $CHINU, where the loyalty of A Chow meets the speed and security of the Solana Blockchain.
Aligned with the power of 888, Chinu boasts 0% Tax, Good dog Chinu!
Join, as $CHINU fits in as one of the best meme coins on Solana.
$CHINU, A crafted groundbreaking digital currency tailored for simplicity, security, and accessibility.
In the spirit of A Chow dog infused with the Solana Blockchain, Chinu is here to address the needs and guide on a journey through the fascinating realm of digital meme coins.
Whether navigating the markets with expertise or taking first steps into this realm, Chinu is A companion.
With $CHINU, we’ve crafted a groundbreaking digital currency tailored for simplicity, security, and accessibility.
In the spirit of our Chow dog infused with the Solana Blockchain, Chinu is here to address your needs and guide you on a journey through the fascinating realm of digital meme coins.
Whether you’re navigating the markets with expertise or taking your first steps into this realm, Chinu is your trusted companion.
Buy Chinu
Grab across multiple blockchains.
That’s right!
Grab $CHINU from other chains, like ETH, in one simple click.
Chinu introduced the groundbreaking BuyBot on Telegram, promoting cross-pollination and offering complimentary exposure via Chinu Trending. As the user base grew, a nominal fee for trending features will be introduced, providing opportunities for free inclusion. The generated revenue actively was to supports the Treasury, ensuring transparency and contributing to the flourishing ecosystem of $CHINU.
$CHINU presented Chinu Chows: 8,888 hand-drawn individual NFTs that had been airdropped randomly to Solana Saga Phone holders and to Chinu’s top 50 holders at the time of snapshot (9th Feb, 18:00 UTC). Chinu Chows weren’t only any NFT drop, they harnessed the power of 888, so if you are a Solana saga owner your phone and/or if you missed, you may snap some from Magic Eden and Tensor.
Live, Love, Chinu.
Potential for your $CHINU investment with the non-released Staking Pool Utility. Idea was to Easily stake your tokens, reap consistent rewards, and actively contribute to enhancing Solana’s decentralization. Idea to be User-friendly and secure, it’s was to be a convenient way to optimize your cryptocurrency returns with Chinu, our Chow dog infused with the Solana Blockchain.
Babai Bachinu by Chinu was proudly presented as first lineup of items for the community. Buy, customize, and share however you choose as We had something for everyone, including our four-legged friends.*
We had spent many hours designing those items, took great care to use eco-friendly and ethically sourced materials for many of them. Launched with minimal profit margins for the first 14 days to reward Babai Bachinu pioneers and OG community members, which started on 12-03-24. *
The products had been listed on the merchandise page* or dedicated Shopify page* where you could have read our product’s detailed descriptions.*
We offered Custom Listings for the NFT lovers making it possible to get their own Chinu Chows NFT printed on a Hoodie or Tee.*
*Due to Lack of sales and overhead cost we have Discontinued this range of merch.
Live, Love, Chinu.
Edgevana powers Chinu’s mainnet validator and helped to protect the blockchain while earning rewards. Yes, someone said rewards? What, 1% of revenue was to go towards Buybacks and Burns of $CHINU, not only would Chinu have became deflationary, but it would have strengthen Chinu’s position as one of the biggest Solana meme coins. Beginning with Sizeable SOL,offered by Edgevana, a 0% commission rate, and an APY of 8% (±0.5%), staking your Sol on “CHINU-powered by Edgevana” was an easy choice.*
Currently over 0 SOL staked.*
Staking your SOL through Phantom, Ledger, Solflare, and other platforms that allow staking of your Sol via “CHINU-powered by Edgevana, was straight forward”*
Chinu’s Validator – Empowering Solana and its blockchain, powered by Edgevana, added at the time, extra security and stability for all of Solana.*
*Due to Low performance and new Delegation/Rewards Systems for Validators, We discontinued our Validator and recommend all to Unstake.
Chinu emerges as a captivating narrative, drawing inspiration from the vibrant spirit of a Chow dog, uniquely infused with the Solana Blockchain. Positioned as a distinctive player in the Solana meme coin space, Chinu brought a fresh perspective and innovative energy.
Chinu transcended the realm of a mere meme coin, presenting a diverse array of unique use cases and utilities that actively contribute to the enduring growth of the Solana Ecosystem.
The Chinu movement stands out on the Solana blockchain, uniting dog lovers across the crypto space and fostering a sense of unity among them. $CHINU
As the Solana blockchain and coin witness remarkable growth, Chinu stepped in to set the standard for meme coins on Solana. At the time a new dog in town.
Accompanying Chinu’s centralized exchanges here is our decentralized (DEX) chart under the ticker $CHINU/SOL.
Live, Love, CHI-FI.
Chinu is on Poloniex
We have a whitepaper available for viewing. Please access it through this link: https://chinu.vip/whitepaper/.
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